Sunday 3 November 2013

Custom Shortcuts for Internet Using Notepad

You can make shortcut for your favorite site even if you are not connected with internet. You can make these shortcuts using notepad and save it in any location. These shortcuts provide you easy access to your favorite sites and open them in the web browser that is set as default for your web-based applications.

You can create/customize website shortcuts using notepad by the following steps:
  1. Click Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad.
  2. Type [InternetShortcut] in the first line of notepad document.
  3. Then type URL=,  i.e.URL=
  4. Now Save As file and name it whatever you want with .URL extension at your desired location.
It creates a shortcut of that site at assigned location which can be accessed by double clicking on it when you are connected to internet.

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