Friday 11 October 2013

Shocking facts you should know about WhatsApp

Here are some shocking facts about WhatsApp you should know ! Do you know the existence of sms has almost vanished in countries like Netherlands, South Korea, Japan, Spain, Germany,  Switzerland, UK, Singapore and Russia. In these countries income from sms subscriptions is decreasing rapidly. What is the reason behind this massive change..? Yes..
You are right its because of our favorite WhatsApp. More than  250 million active users, 27 billion message transfer(s) in a single day. These are some statistics of  WhatsApp and these numbers are obviously increasing day by day. But some countries like Indonesia, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and China still uses the sms service at larger scale.
In 2009 after leaving Yahoo Brian Acton and Jan Koum developed and introduced WhatsApp to the world. WhatsApp is available for Android, BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry 10, iOS, Series 40, Symbian (S60), and Windows Phone. you can see Full List Here. It uses a customized version of the open standard Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP).

The Big Question arises “Is Message Transfer Secure..?”

In may 2011, security specialist found that the message transfer on WhatsApp is not encrypted so if anyone succeeded to hack he/she can easily read your messages. After finding this vulnerability WhatsApp announced the Updated version with encryption technology.
January 6, 2012 an unknown hacker published a website called through this site anyone could easily change the status of an arbitrary whatsapp user, as long as the phone number was known.

One of the main Shocking Facts about WhatsApp is “When you download WhatsApp your entire phonebook (contact list) get uploaded to their servers”

.. Just think when your family members (brother/ sister) handle your phone you don’t like it because your personal chats and information is easily viewable. Then what about your entire contact list.???
Stiftung Warentest reported that Whatsapp is sending the whole phonebook unencrypted to a US server where it gets stored. 
Julian Assange and Edward Snowden already proved that “No information can be kept secret”. So I can’t say stop using WhatsApp but i just want to say that stay alert about your WhatsApp activities and of course share this information with your dear ones.

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