Thursday 12 September 2013

Top 9 Computer Tricks to Improve Performance of Your System

Using these simple tricks you can bring your personal computer to its older form. All these tips are easy to follow. Most of the tricks are performed with the help of software. So, without further ado, here are some of the PC tricks and tweaks that can boost up your computer performance significantly.
  1. Run active virus scanner
Whenever you choose paid subscription or free option, active monitoring will always help prevent problems. If you find something fishy on your system, your problem will be resolved by just a quick virus scan. Run active scanner often to keep all the unwanted viruses at bay.

Laptops should be constantly scanned with an active virus scanner. Top laptops for college students would certainly need a powerful virus scanner for sure, because the teens and students often end up buying loads of crappy files from various unreliable sources on the Internet.
  1. Install Only Trusted Software
You might see your PC getting slower and this may be due to running many software in background. It is true when it comes to older PCs that they may collect more programs as well as data as time passes.
  1. Make Sure You Clean Registry Regularly
When you install the program, they often trace the Windows Registry. This Registry looks like map, and tells your PC how to make use of them. When the registry grows, your PC gets slower. Manual cleaning of registry is not recommended.
However, tools like PC Tune Up will help you in keeping your entire registry error free.
  1. Reboot PC regularly
With all updates, changes, and installations on PC, it doesn’t get rebooted quickly. So, after installing the new updates, it is necessary to reboot the system.
  1. Desktop Widgets
Desktop widgets will use processor and also add substantial memory. Determine the best widgets that you want to use and remove all the unnecessary widgets that result in performance loss.
  1. Install Google Chrome
In the Internet Browser wars, you can see Chrome as the best bet. It takes very few minutes to get installed and minimal time to make subtle changes from the other browsers. You can also get many useful plug-ins and browser extensions for Chrome nowadays. It is one of the most responsive and fastest browsers available.
In case you’re a die-hard Firebox fan, then you should look for ways to speed up Firefox.
  1. Get your PC physically cleaned
When your PC gets warm, it certainly decreases the performance for preventing the damage. You need to avoid liquids and vacuums since they might create electrical issues. A small brush will help you in cleaning.
PC physically cleaned
  1. Keep important programs updated
Enable the auto-update feature for the favourite programs. All these updates certainly boost the performance.
  1. Update card drivers
These days, ATI, Intel, and NVidia manufacture new graphics cards every quarter. All these companies include easy-to-use sites that detect and update video card drivers for delivering optimal performance, but one needs to update card drivers on a regular basis, otherwise obsolete versions of drivers can actually hamper the performance of the system.
So, make use of these cool tips, and keep your system in healthy state, and prevent it from slowing down!

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