Friday 6 September 2013


Dear All,

It is a way to make windows original, and you can download programs Microsoft and make updates.

lets start:

-open start main,then chose Run and write regedit and Click OK.

-now it opens your system registry editor Go to the existing basic and chose Edit(after the file menu) edit then chose Find.

-Type in the writing OOBETimer, And press the search for the next Find .

-When find this value will be in the form of a blue icon,Put it opens twice each square liberalization value
Look for value FF and Wipe and write instead means 00 (zeros).

-Click OK and then exit the program.

-Now click Start and go to run the operation

And paste there is the following:
C:\WINDOWS\system32 \oobe\msoobe. exe /a
-Click OK, Show you screen options reactivate Windows ,Chosen option number one.
-Show you a new page
Click on the button to change the key to the product or ChangeProduct key.
*now enter this serial
B7R7P - J63JP - 2J7VH - W3TDJ - PDP7T

-Then click update and then exit the program .
-now close all programes and reboot your computer.
-Surely wants to really make sure your original xp ? go to run and open :
\WINDOWS\system32\ oobe\msoobe. exe /a
-Tell you that the product has been activated

Now copy registered go and work updates automatically to your computer.

note:- just make sure to backup your registry before you gona do..

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